This Is Us...
Our friendship has given us the foundation we needed to endure some tough shit life throws at us. We are grateful you are taking the time to get to know us a little. While we could write a book, which Sara has, about our friendship and separate journeys we will try and give you a glimpse of who we are. Neither one of us could have predicted that we would be sharing our story with you.
We both grew up learning a strong work ethic by our parents. We thought, naively we can say now, that you get a job with a pension, work your way up, get married, buy a house, raise a family, pay off that house and retire. And then reality hit, and dreams faded. Going to jobs we didn’t enjoy sometimes. Illnesses in the family. Job losses and covid. While there were happy moments weaved throughout for each of us, life was financially living from pay-day to almost pay-day, borrowing to pay the bills on everyday essentials like electricity. Buying discounted produce and meat while TRYING to live a happy and positive life.
This isn't the "adventure" we thought it would be when we renovated and sold our home in Ontario to purchase our first home together in PEI. We set ourselves up so we did not have to carry a mortgage but it didn't leave us with any extra.
We were missing out on magic moments and that was not something we wanted to live with for the next 40+ years.
We wanted to travel, sleep in, visit our aging parents as much as possible, jump in the jeep and just drive to wherever whenever. To plant a garden and have the time to watch it grow. To be stay-at-home dog parents because while we have it all, all they have is us. And they wait all day for us to come home.
For us to change our financial position to live this wildlife on our own terms meant learning about and investing in more real estate. When we came across a course about real estate investing, we thought why not. After the weekend we knew this was the place to be. What an eye-opener that was and continues to be! As we began to learn the power of leveraging, we realized we had to do this or at least try. This has been life-changing! In just a few short months we see the answer to retiring sooner so we can spend every day together doing what we love, build generational wealth for our family and help others along the way.
We hope your curiosity is piqued a little and gives us the opportunity to travel this road together.
Check out our portfolio to see what we've been up to.
We look forward to getting snapshots of who you are and what you need as investors.
With Gratitude Always,

Donny & Sara

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