Let me know if you heard this before, "Money is the root of all evil?" or my fave which I often heard from the lovely elderly church goers, "To be Rich in God is to be poor in purse." Ummm... what?
Is it not The Creator, God, Source, Spirit, Universe; whatever you believe; is it not the Divine's good pleasure to give you the "Kingdom of Heaven?" 🤔 Isn't that the saying,
"Thy Kingdom Come, thy will be done ON EARTH as it is in heaven"
So why do we live everyday waiting to die to obtain everything we desire? To Obtain the thoughts we believe are associated with "heaven" or the magical place we will go to when we leave our body.
Now, I am not going to make this a religious thing, it truly is whatever you believe but I want to quote a paragraph from the book You Too Can Be Prosperous by Robert A Russell.
Ask yourself, are you bearing witness to a rich and loving "God" by accepting a small income, by living with doubt and worry, by scrimping and pinching, and by the devastating ability to make ends meet; in other words, by living with a poor idea. If it is the "Father's" good pleasure to give you the kingdom of 'Heaven," isn't financial sufficiency included in the benefits? Doesn't it include attractive homes, nourishing foods, education, travel and all that you need and want to enable to live a full, free and opulent life? (1)
... my God shall supply all your needs according to His Riches.
Do you believe this promise? Or do you still believe that to be poor in purse is to be rich in God?
Money is not the root of evil. It has absolutely zero value to it until YOU put value to it. Hell, back in the day the currency was sheep. Imagine being in the starbucks drive-through and trading a sheep for a triple, non-fat, extra hot, bone dry, less sweet, vanilla cappuccino... imagine
Women! Women were used as currency back in the day. We were traded to a man in exchange for land!
Money is just the vehicle that you exchange for goods and service. People, Sheep, Trade, Coins, Paper... The value is what you desire. The feeling or need.
If you lost a $100 bill, it is lost that's it, it can not be spent. The money in your account literally doesn't exist. It is just a bunch of numbers. Here in Canada, we can email money. E M A I L money... does that mean I get it emailed to my gmail and I print it from my printer? Of course not! It is just a transfer of information. Like Wifi... you can't see it, you can't feel it, we know it exists and we use it to create the desired outcome. If you walk into someone's house, it is just a building. A building someone put a value on.
Money can be a powerful force for good if you believe it can be. If you have a negative mindset about money, I hate to break it to you, money will never find you. And if it does, it won't stay with you. Why, because money is energy. It can FEEL your vibration towards it,. In fact, money can be seen as a manifestation of God's abundance and prosperity, available to ALL who are willing to work hard and make wise financial decisions.
At It's core, money is a toll that enables us to exchange goods and services, and to provide for our basic needs and desires. It allows us to build and creare, to invest in our futures, and to help others. Without money, we would be unable to access education, healthcare, and many of the other resources that we rely on to live fulfilling lives.
However, it's important to remember that money is not an end in itself. It is a means to an end, and it should be used wisely and with purpose. When we view money as a means of achieving our goals and living out our values, it can be a powerful force for good.
For example, when we invest in education, we are not only improving our own lives, but also creating a better future for our families and communities.
In 2019, my husband and I were $100k in debt. Before drowning in this river of debt, we had our government jobs that paid us VERY well, had a pension, benefits and backed by a union. To everyone on the outside, it was the "dream" position that everyone wanted. We had a beautiful home in a hot neighbourhood, but we were house poor and unfulfilled. So when we decided to quit and move across the country to live out our dreams, people said mean things to us. And that followed. us. I was constantly worrying and crying, he was working is ass off, losing weight and looking pale and frail. I was gaining weight and losing confidence. They say the first year of marriage is the toughest. Boy were they right.
In 2020, I decided I longer wanted to scrimp, save and beg for NSF to be returned. I was sick of seeing red. So, I did the logical thing people who have no money do. I invested in myself, to educate myself on how the mind works and how it is linked to how our lives play out. So I hired a mentor. I'm always asked how? I was already so in debt that I would never be in debt so I literally said to myself "what's a little more."
It was my financial choice. I by no means mean you should do the same. I am not a financial advisor.
But because of my choices to invest in my education, and how much it transformed my life and my husband, I was also able to help a dear friend of mine who at the time, was homeless with her husband, 4 children, 2 dogs and iguana living in a drug infest motel.
It is the butterfly effect. Because I made the decision to better my life, she watched me grow, she invested in herself, I did not giver her money, she figured it out on her own. Now not only is she living in a beautiful home, she is a speaker, author, successful business woman and devoted Christian. She gets to pass these beautiful skills down to her children and to tens thousands of others! You should check her out on Social Media. https://www.facebook.com/stefaine.thomason
Not only that, I am able to finally donate to charitable causes that mean so much to me. We are using our financial resources to make a positive impact on the world.
Ultimately, the value of money lies in how we use it. When we align our financial decisions with our values and goals, we can experience true prosperity and abundance, and make a difference in our world and the world around us. Money may not be a deity in and of itself, but it can certainly be a powerful took for achieving our highest aspirations and living out our purpose in life.
Much love
(1) Russel, R.A. (1950) “Chapter 2 what prosperity is,” in You Too Can Be Prosperous. Camarillo, CA: DeVorss & Company, pp. 32–33.